This page is all about the Tarpon. Tarpon are also known as Megalops Atlanticus, Silver King, Chrome Cow, and a hundred other nicknames. One of the most exciting fish that swims in the ocean. Average fish in the lower keys ranges from forty to sixty pounds. We get them smaller, but we also get them bigger.

These fish make one of the best inshore adversaries because of the skill it takes to successfully hook and land one. The jumps, long runs, and sheer determination that these fish display are truly a sight to see.

We use the lightest tackle that we can when targeting these fish. It makes it more fun and challenging for everyone involved while giving the fish the respect it deserves. Tarpon can be caught using flies and a variety of artificial lures. They can also be had using different live baits like pinfish, crabs, and shrimp.

Tarpon are migratory fish and move around quite a bit. They are regularly found on deeper flats, channels, and also along the beaches. The big migration begins sometime in March and fish continuously move through into July. While we can find tarpon most of the year, the migration brings large numbers and concentrates them for us.

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